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Planning director Borba departs, interim is named

The Town is seeking a new Planning & Building director who would make an annual salary of between $153,268 and $215,420

Photo by Scott Graham / Unsplash

The Town of Yountville needs a new Planning and Building director.

Irene Borba, who has led the town’s planning department for about 15 months, announced earlier this month that she is retiring after 32 years in public service with various local government agencies.

“This decision was not easy to make, as I have deeply enjoyed working with such a dedicated and talented team here at town hall and with ZDRB,” Borba wrote in a letter to members of the Zoning and Design Review Board that was shared with the Sun. “Reflecting on my time here, I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved together and grateful for the professional relationships and friendships I have formed.”

Borba, who lives in Rohnert Park, told the Sun that she hadn’t planned to retire just yet but had a change of plans due to family obligations.

In the meantime, Town Manager Brad Raulston has launched a search for Borba’s replacement. The Town has placed ads about the position online and Raulston has reached out to professional connections to get the word out.

He said he has spoken to a couple of interested parties but plans to see what applications he receives.

The Town has advertised the position as having a starting salary of between $153,268 and $215,420, depending on experience.

On Tuesday, the Town Council approved Raulston's request to hire an interim director – Ken MacNab, a retired annuitant who works on a short-term basis.

In fact, MacNab was serving as interim planning director when both Raulston and Borba were hired in the spring of 2023. MacNab and Raulston worked together, barely, for a week before Borba joined the team.

MacNab's title in Yountville is Community Development Director and the job comes with a job description and a salary of $103.57 per hour. His retirement status prohibits him from receiving overtime pay, benefits, sick leave, holiday or vacation pay.

According to the contract approved by council, MacNab will remain in the town's employ until he has worked 960 hours or June 30, 2025, whichever comes first.

The Yountville Planning Department recently also lost its Associate Planner Diane Levine and Assistant Planner Kyle Johnson.

Raulston said long commutes are often the reason employees who live out of town leave.

However, he said, the town won't be hiring for those two positions until a new director is in place.

Raulston said he prefers to let his department heads have a say in hiring their staff.

